A question regarding Capuziner Bitters
01 October 2015
Incoming e-mail communication with pictures from Chris Eib regarding Hutching’s Dyspepsia Bitters, Drake’s Plantation Bitters and Capuziner Bitters. Some rather nice pictures of some cool bottles too to support the e-mail.
[CI] Hi Ferdinand, how are you? Since I know you like bitters, I just thought I would point this one (Hutching’s Dyspepsia Bitters) out to you that I have on ebay right now. There’s a chance that you already have one of these, but since they’re rare with the open pontil, there’s also a chance that you don’t. Take care and have a great day. See eBay Listing Best regards, Chris
[PRG] Nice example. I have one but always thanks. You never know.

Drake’s Plantation Bitters. Three green drakes including my teal not pictured. One newer pink rose not pictured. – Meyer Collection
[CI] Well, I would have been a bit surprised if you didn’t already have one. I was looking around on Rick’s Bottle Room the other day and saw the great line-up of Drake’s (Plantation Bitters) you have (see above). A fantastic grouping to put it mildly. Such brilliant colors!!
Ferdinand, I’m sure that at some point, you must have seen one of these bottles before, and as far as I’m aware, it was a label only bitters. When I bought it, the tag on it stated that it’s a Capuziner Bitters, but I think it’s supposed to start off with a “K” instead of a “C”. However, I tried to research it a bit further, but I was unable to find any photos of this bottle on-line. I encounter these on occasion but I certainly wouldn’t rate them as common. Maybe you can shed some light on this one? I saw in one of the posts on your site, there’s a photo of a grouping of bitters dose glasses with a Kapuziner shot glass in the center (see below). Do you have any other photos of this bottle and what, if any. information do you have on it? Thanks Ferdinand.
Take care and have a great day.
Regards, Chris
Read: Advertising Bitters Dose (Shot) Glasses in Glass Works Auction #97

Lot 123: (Lot of 7) Etched and Embossed Stemmed Bitters Dose Glasses, (3) ‘Dr. Capias Herb Bitters’, a ‘Polo Club Bitters’, (2) ‘Kapuziner Kloster Bitters’ and a “QUININE BITTERS”, American, ca. 1890 – 1910, all are clear glass, 3″ to 3 1/4″h, tooled rims, all are in perfect condition. The Polo Club is from the Charles Gardner Collection. – Glass Works Auction #97
[PRG] Chris. Thanks for the compliment. Added a number of super Drakes to my collection the past few years as that photo is old. Will look into your question. – Ferdinand
Chris, super bottle pictures in extraordinary olive-green colors. All of your pictures are just fantastic. This does look to be a Capuziner Stomach Bitters from Peoria, Illinois in an olive-green coloration. I find the following picture of an amber labeled example in my archives. I’ll look into Ring & Ham when I can get back to my books. The center picture is a is a labeled Kapuziner Kloster Bitters from Chicago. This might be the “K” you are thinking of.