Dr. William S. Love’s Vegetable Elixir – Baltimore
25 November 2014
I don’t know if you noticed, but there was this incredible Dr. W. S. Love’s Vegetable Elixir – Baltimore in Glass Works Auctions The ‘Christmas Comes Early’ Catalog Auction #105 that closed last night. What a beauty. Great color, embossing, character and a rough open pontil. This bottle dates from around 1842 to 1844.

“DR. W.S. LOVE’S / VEGETABLE / ELIXIR / BALTIMORE”, (Odell, pg. 232), Maryland, ca. 1840 – 1860, olive green cylinder, 7 3/8”h, open pontil, applied tapered collar mouth. A few light scratches, otherwise in perfect attic found condition. An exceptional example with highly whittled glass. How rare is it? The last one sold at auction was in 1994! – Glass Works Auction #105.

Dr. W. S. Love’s Vegetable Elixir for the Cure of Ague and Fever advertisement – The Sun (Baltimore), Saturday, July 16, 1842.
William S. Love
William S. Love was a physician, apothecary and chemist who first appears in Baltimore directories in the early 1830s. He seems to move around a lot. Maybe he should have used a wagon but I guess you can not address a wagon. His advertisements for his Vegetable Elixir occur from 1842 to 1844 only. One advertisement example is pictured above. I wonder if he ever considered calling it Dr. Love’s Love Elixir? In 1847, in Baltimore, the Lucina Cordial or Elixir of Love was being sold. Different fellows selling this.
There is some evidence to suggest that William S. Love’s father was John Love who came to America in 1767 and lived in St. Augustine, Florida. He does show up in Baltimore directories from 1807 to 1822 as a druggist. John Love has a relationship to Paul’s Patent Columbian Oil from Baltimore. William Loves wife may have been Elizabeth Erreckson.
Select Listings
1807-1816: John Love, druggist, 16 Market space – Baltimore directory
1822: John Love M.D. apothecary, 22 m. m. space – Keenan Baltimore Directory
1833-1837: Wm. S. Love, apothecary and chemist, 65 w Lexington st – Matchetts Baltimore Directory
1842: Wm. S. Love, M.D. and apothecary, 65 w Lexington st – Matchetts Baltimore Directory
1845: Love W. S., druggist, 89 Hanover st. – Baltimore Directory
1849: Dr. Wm S. Love, physician and apothecary, dw 92 Barre – Matchetts Baltimore Directory
1851: Dr. Wm S. Love, physician and apothecary, s e cor. Hanover and Perry – Matchetts Baltimore Directory
1853-1854: Love Dr. Wm. S. 156 German – Matchett’s Baltimore Directory
1856-1857: Dr. William S. Love, apothecary, 121 w Fayette, dw 152 German – Woods Baltimore Directory
1860: Dr. William S. Love, n e corner Monument and Aisquith – Woods Baltimore Directory
1863-1865: Dr. William S. Love, Apothecary, 9 Penn – Baltimore City Directory
1870: Dr. Wm. S. Love, apothecary, 226 Harford Ave. – Baltimore City Directory
1871-1872: Dr. Wm. S. Love, apothecary, 259 s. Broadway – Baltimore City Directory
that is one bottle that really has it all in my opinion!
Yeah, I noticed that beauty that’s been on my want list for decades. Also noticed that I didn’t have enough rounds in my clip to bag that baby. Happy Thanksgiving, all you bottleheads!